7 Hot News
A Karnataka Times Affiliate Kannada News Portal

Ethics Policy


7hotnews.com is committed to the highest ethical standards in journalism. We believe that journalists have a responsibility to be accurate, fair, and impartial in their reporting. We also believe that journalists should be transparent about their sources and methods.


The following are the ethical principles that guide our reporting:


  • Accuracy: We are committed to providing our readers with accurate and reliable news coverage. We fact-check all of our articles carefully before we publish them.
  • Fairness: We believe that it is important to present our readers with all sides of a story so that they can make their own informed decisions. We avoid editorializing in our news articles.
  • Impartiality: We strive to be impartial in our reporting. We do not allow our personal opinions or beliefs to influence our coverage.
  • Transparency: We are transparent about our sources and methods. We identify our sources whenever possible, and we explain how we report on stories.


We also adhere to the following ethical guidelines:


  • We respect the privacy of our sources. We will not publish the identity of a source without their consent, unless it is in the public interest to do so.
  • We do not plagiarize. We give credit to other news organizations and journalists for their work.
  • We do not fabricate or distort information. We report the facts as we know them, and we do not sensationalize stories.
  • We avoid conflicts of interest. We do not report on stories that we have a personal or financial interest in.



We believe that these ethical principles are essential to maintaining the public’s trust in journalism. We are committed to upholding these principles in all of our reporting.




This ethics policy is enforced by the editor of 7hotnews.com. Any journalist who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Reporting Violations

If you believe that a 7hotnews.com journalist has violated this ethics policy, please contact the editor at
Send email.
We will investigate all complaints and take appropriate action.
