7 Hot News
A Karnataka Times Affiliate Kannada News Portal

Correction Policy


7hotnews.com is committed to providing our readers with accurate and reliable news coverage. However, we understand that mistakes can happen. If you see an error in one of our articles, please let us know so that we can correct it as soon as possible.


To report an error, please email us at [email address] with the subject line “Correction Request.” In the email, please include the following information:


  • The title of the article in which the error occurred
  • The date the article was published
  • A brief description of the error
  • The correct information


Once we receive your request, we will investigate the error and make the necessary correction to the article. We will also publish a correction notice on our website to inform our readers of the error and the correction.


We take our commitment to accuracy very seriously. We appreciate your help in ensuring that our news coverage is as accurate as possible.


Correction Process



The following is the process we follow for correcting errors in our articles:


  1. We investigate the error to verify that it is indeed an error.
  2. We make the necessary correction to the article.
  3. We publish a correction notice on our website to inform our readers of the error and the correction.
  4. We update our archives to reflect the correction.

Correction Transparency

We are committed to being transparent about our corrections process. We publish a correction notice on our website for every error that we correct. The correction notice includes the following information:

  • The title of the article in which the error occurred
  • The date the article was published
  • A brief description of the error
  • The correct information
  • The date the correction was made


We welcome your feedback on our correction policy. If you have any suggestions, please email us at Email
